About Me

I’m Pat Clark, owner of Precision Pro Wash in Greenville, SC. My wife, Shielagh, and I have 4 beautiful children. Logan, 8, Abigail, 7, Noah, 3, and Greta, 2. We homeschool and run our business together.
Prior to starting our business, I worked for a builder grading lots while I washed cars part-time and experimented with pressure washing. The builder went under during the recession in 2007. With a 3 week old baby, no job, and a floundering business, I was left with no choice but to make it happen. We struggled for a few years but with a great deal of tenacity and prayer coupled with a fervor to learn, we did just that! I now work ON my business, not IN it. We provide employment for 15 people and superior service to our community.
Our business provides me with the time and the finances I need to enjoy my family and mentor others. Our learning curve was cut very sharply by the networking events, message boards, vendors, and my mentors. I am passionate about helping others for two reasons. First, I know how much I’ve learned from others who were willing to share their knowledge so freely – I want to pay it forward if you will. Second, I know the value of a dose of encouragement. Having grown up in foster care and constantly being told I would never amount to anything, I am familiar with defeat. However, I believe anyone can do anything and I believe anyone willing to speak into another person’s life has the power to change it. I needed that encouragement and support in my life and I believe in giving it as often as I find the opportunity!
I’d be honored to earn your vote to serve on the Board of Directors where I would put my passion for others to use. Feel free to call my cell at (864) 434-8955 with any questions.